
ラベル(column-gap vs grid-column-gap)が付いた投稿を表示しています

上 Column-gap Vs Grid-column-gap 312318-Column-gap Vs Grid-column-gap

 property sets space (also called “gutters”) between between columns in CSS Grid, Flexbox, and CSS Columns layouts If you’re wondering why we have a columngap property when there’s already a gridcolumngap one, you’re not alone!It also mentioned that I should now be using the gap property to define these gaps 3 Answers Liam Clarke 19,8 Points Liam Clarke Liam Clarke 19,8 Points 1213am Personally, I would use both First with the deprecated property and second with the new property That way you are supporting all browsers andThe gridcolumngap property defines the size of the gap between the columns in a grid layout Note This property was renamed to columngap in CSS3 Show demo Default value 0 Inherited no Animatable yes Read about animatable Try it Version CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 JavaScript syntax objectstylegridColumnGap="50px" Try it Browser Support The numbers in Minding The Gap Css Tricks Css Tricks Column-gap vs grid-column-gap